Scientific Publications

(Click on the title for a link to paper)

Allen, M.L., A.M. Green, A.C. Avrin, and C.C. Wilmers. In Press. Female pumas exhibit behavioral plasticity through partitioning temporal activity at communication hubs based on life stage. Ecological Research.

Finnegan, S.P., A. Hinojo, S. Monod, W. A. Wall, P. Olsen, and M.L. AllenIn Press. A comparison of thermal fitted UAV and camera trap population estimates for Sitka black-tailed deer in Alaska. Wildlife Biology 2024: e01360.

Rooney, B. et al. In Press. SNAPSHOT USA 2019-2023: The first five years of data from a coordinated camera trap survey of the United States. Global Ecology and Biogeography.

131. Moll, R.J., A.M. Green, M.L. Allen., and R. Kays. 2025. People or predators? Comparing habitat-dependent effects of hunting and large carnivores on the abundance of North America’s top mesocarnivore. Ecography 2025: e07390.

130. Allen, M.L., A.C. Avrin, H.U. Wittmer, Y. Wang, and C.C. Wilmers. 2024. Mesocarnivores exhibit variability in spatiotemporal avoidance strategies at communications hubs of an apex carnivore. Oecologia 204: 805–813.

129. Allen, M.L., and A.T.L. Allan. 2024. Temporal activity and detection rates of chilla (Lycalopex griseus) in Tierra del Fuego. Ecology and Evolution 14: e11586.

128. Allen, M.L, and A.T.L. Allan. 2024. Detection rates and diel activity patterns of four understudied felids from Borneo. Ecology and Evolution 14: e70301.

127. Allen, M.L., L.A. Kammin, and L.R. LaBarge. 2024. First verified documentation of a fisher (Pekania pennanti) in Illinois since the American Civil War. Prairie Naturalist 56: N15–N19.

126. Basu, N., R. Ahuha, and M.L. Allen. 2024. Inter-specific interaction between a leopard (Panthera pardus) and tiger (Panthera tigris) at a kill site in a human-dominated area of Eastern Maharashtra, India. Cat News 81: 20–21.

125. Bates-Mundell, L., S.H. Williams, K. Sager-Fradkin, H.U. Wittmer, M.L. Allen, B. Cristescu, C.C. Wilmers, and L.M. Elbroch. 2024. Season, prey availability, sex and age explain prey selection in a large carnivore. Ecology and Evolution 14: e11080.

124. Burton, A.C., et al. 2024. Mammal responses to global changes in human activity vary by trophic group and landscape. Nature Ecology and Evolution.

123. Davis, O., B. Molano-Flores, Y.-W. Li, M.L. Allen, M. Davis, J. Parkos III, Joseph; S. McIntyre, A. Di Giovanni, T. McElrath, A. Carter, M. Evansen, C. Sheehan, and L. Gerber. 2024. A new metric for conducting 5-year reviews to evaluate recovery progress under the Endangered Species Act. Conservation Science and Practice 2024: e13158.

122. Davis, O., Li, L. Ya-Wei, B. Molano-Flores, M.L. Allen, M. Davis, J. Mengelkoch, J. Parkos III, A. Porreca, A. Fournier, A. Stodola, J. Tiemann, J. Bried, P. Marcum, C. Carroll-Cunningham, E. Janssen, E. Ulaszek, S. McIntyre, S. Jog, E. Price, J. Nieset, T. Beveroth, A. Di Giovanni, R. Askren, L. Malanchuk, J. Duquette, M. Dreslik, T. McElrath, J. Taft, K. Stodola, J. Malcom, A. Carter, M. Evansen, L. Gerber. 2024. Tracking species recovery status to improve U.S. endangered species act decisions. Conservation Science and Practice 2024: e13159.

121. Emmet, R.L., K.W. Stodola, T.J. Benson, and M.L. Allen. 2024. Effects of multiple aspects of anthropogenic landscape change on mesopredator relative abundance. Wildlife Research 51: WR22080.

120. Fidino, M. et al. 2024. Gentrification drives patterns of alpha and beta diversity in cities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 121: e2318596121.

119. Fusco, N.A., J.P. Vanek, B.J. Cosentino, J.P. Gibbs, A.J. Blumenfeld, M.L. Allen, J. Boettner, K. Briggs, E.J. Carlen, M. Collins, C. Dennison, D. DiGiacopo, A-P.D. Picard, J. Edmonson, C. Fisher-Reid, R. Fyffe, T. Gallo, A. Grant, W. Harbold, S. Heard, D. Lafferty, R. Lehtinen, S. Marino, J.E. McDonald, A. Mortelliti, M. Murray, A. Newman, K. Oswald, C. Ott-Conn, J. Richardson, R. Rimbach, P. Salaman, M. Steele, M. Stothart, M.C. Urban, K. Vandergrift, S. Vanderluit, L. Vezina, and A. Caccone. 2024. Population genomic structure of a widespread, urban-dwelling mammal; The Eastern gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis). Molecular Ecology 33: e17320.

118. Inagaki, A., Y. Sugimoto, M.L. Allen, and S. Koike. 2024. Documentation of an Asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetanus) preying on a living sika deer (Cervus nippon) caught in a leg-hold snare trap. Ursus 35: e24.

117. Kays, R., et al. 2024. Climate, food, and humans predict communities of mammals in the United States. Diversity and Distributions 30: e13900.

116. Labarge, L., M. Krofel, M.L. Allen, R. Hill, A. Welch, A.T.L. Allan. 2024. Keystone individuals – linking predator traits to community ecology. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 39: 983–994.

115. Proudman, N.J. and M.L. Allen. 2024. Anthropogenic features are the most important drivers of striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis) space use in a human-dominated Midwestern landscape. Acta Oecologia 124: 104012.

114. Rani, M., S. Singh, M.L. Allen, P. Pandey, and R. Singh. 2024. Measuring the attitudes of people toward the conservation of Leopard Panthera pardus (Mammalia: Carnivora) in the foothills of Himalayan region. Journal of Threatened Taxa 16: 25283–25298. 

113. Rani, M., S. Singh, D. Panda, M.L. Allen, P. Pandey, and R. Singh. 2024. Assessment and prediction of human-elephant conflicts hotspot in the human dominated area of Rajaji-Corbett landscape, Uttarakhand, India. Journal for Nature Conservation 79: 126601.

112. Shamon, H., et al. 2024. SNAPSHOT USA 2021: A third coordinated national camera trap survey of the United States. Ecology 105: e4318.

111. Warner, B.H., K.C.B. Weiss, and M.L. Allen. 2024. Color aberration in malachite kingfishers: Insights from community science observations in Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda. Ecology and Evolution 14: 11717.

110. Allen, M.L., L.M. Elbroch, J.M. Bauder, and H.U. Wittmer. 2023. Food caching by a solitary large carnivore reveals importance of intermediate-sized prey. Journal of Mammalogy 104: 457–465.

109. Allen, M.L., F. Rovero, V. Oberosler, C. C. Augugliaro, and M. Krofel. 2023. Effects of snow leopards (Panthera uncia) on olfactory communication of Pallas’s cats (Otocolobus manul) in Altai Mountains, Mongolia. Behaviour 160: 807–815.

108. Allen, M.L., and R.J. Moll. 2023. Prey dynamics before, during, and after red foxes den on an urban university campus. Urban Naturalist 65: 1–8.

107. Allen, M.L., and J.P. Kritzer.  2023. Observations of gray fox Urocyon cinereoargenteus (Chreber, 1775) (Mammalia: Carnivora: Canidae) denning behavior in New Hampshire USA. Journal of Threatened Taxa 15: 23662–23668.

106. Avrin, A.C., C. Pekins, C.C. Wilmers, J.H. Sperry, and M.L. Allen. 2023. Can a mesocarnivore fill the functional role of an apex predator? Ecosphere 14: e4383.

105. Bauder, J.M., K. Stodola, T.J. Benson, C. Miller, and M.L. Allen. 2023. Modeling eighteen years of community science data reveals extensive recolonization of bobcats in Illinois. USA. Landscape Ecology 38: 597–611.

104. Cervantes, A.M., R.L. Schooley, E.W. Lehrer, T. Gallo, M.L. Allen, M. Fidino, S.B. Magle. 2023. Carnivore coexistence in Chicago: niche partitioning of coyotes and red foxes. Urban Ecosystems 26: 1293–1307.

103. Dellinger, J.A., A.F. Basto, T.W. Vickers, C.C. Wilmers, J.A. Sikich, S.P. Riley, D. Gammons, Q.E. Martins, H.U. Wittmer, D.K. Garcelon, M.L. Allen, B. Cristescu, and D.L. Clifford. 2023. Between traps and dogs: evaluation of capture methods in California mountain lions (Puma concolor). Wildlife Society Bulletin 47: e1494.

102. Emmet, R.L., T.J. Benson, M.L. Allen, and K.W. Stodola. 2023. Improving large-scale occupancy estimation from single-visit and unstructured surveys using data integration. Ornithological Applications 125: duad005.

101. Inagaki, A., M.L. Allen, K. Tochigi, T. Maruyama, and S. Koike. 2023. Evidence for interspecific modulation of carcass acquisition among facultative scavengers in Asian temperate forest. Food Webs 37: e00324.

100. Panda, D., S. Mohanty, M.L. Allen, A. Dheer, A. Sharma, P. Pandey, H. Lee, and R. Singh. 2023. Competitive interactions with dominant carnivores affect carrion acquisition of striped hyena (Hyaena hyaena) in a semi-arid landscape of Rajasthan, India. Mammal Research 68: 129–141.

99. Rega-Brodsky, C. K.C.B. Weiss, A.M. Green, F. Iannarilli, J. Tleimat, S. Fritts, D.J. Herrera, M.C. Fisher-Reid, J.A. Compton, D.J.R. Lafferty, and M.L. Allen. 2023. Mammalian functional trait responses to anthropogenic and environmental factors across the contiguous USA. Urban Ecosystems 26: 309–322.

98. Sehgal, J.J., D. Panda, D. Kumar, R. Kalsi, M.L. Allen, and R. Singh. 2023. Does the size of a protected area matter? An assessment of leopard population and habitat usage in a protected area of Shiwalik foothills, Himalaya. Mammal Research 68: 459–469.

97. Tezuka, S., M. Tanaka, T. Naganuma, K. Tochigi, A. Inagaki, H. Myojo, K. Yamazaki, M.L. Allen, and S. Koike. 2023. Comparing food habits of a terrestrial carnivore using animal-borne video systems and fecal analyses. Journal of Mammalogy 104: 184–193.

96. Weiss, K.C.B., A.M. Green, D.J. Herrera, T. Hubbard, C. Brodsky, and M.L. Allen. 2023. Demographic trait variation supports urban exploitation among mammals. Ecology 107: e4055.

95. Allen, M.L., A.M. Green, and R.J. Moll. 2022. Modelling the distribution and intraguild associations of an understudied mesocarnivore across the contiguous U.S.A. Diversity and Distributions 28: 1022–1033.

94. Allen, M.L., M. Krofel, K. Yamazaki, E.P. Alexander, and S. Koike. 2022. Cannibalism in bears. Ursus 2022: 33e10.

93. Allen, M.L., A.M. Green, and R.J. Moll. 2022. Habitat productivity and anthropogenic development drive rangewide variation in striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis) abundance. Global Ecology and Conservation 39: e02300.

92. Allen, M.L., E.P. Alexander, H.U. Wittmer, and C. Wilmers. 2022. Ontogeny of communication behaviors in a solitary felid. Behaviour 159: 339–350.

91. Allen, M.L, B. Kenny, B. Crawford, and M.J. Farmer. 2022. A new southern distribution record for Pacific Marten (Martes caurina). The Journal of Threatened Taxa 14: 21470–21472.

90. Bauder, J.M., M.L. Allen, T.J. Benson, A. Ahlers, C. Miller, and K. Stodola. 2022. Long-term data reveal equivocal evidence for intraguild suppression among sympatric canids. Biodiversity and Conservation 31: 2965–2979.

89. Cristecu, B., L.M. Elbroch, T.D. Forrester, M.L. Allen, D.B. Spitz, C.C. Wilmers, and H.U. Wittmer. 2022. Standardizing protocols for determining the cause of mortality in wildlife studies. Ecology and Evolution 12: e9034.

88. Dukes, C.G., D.S. Jachowski, S.N. Harris, L.E. Dodd, A.J. Edelman, S.H. LaRose, R.C. Lonsinger, D.B. Sasse, and M.L. Allen. 2022. A meta-analysis of camera trapping methodology for eastern spotted skunks. The Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 13: 295–305.

87. Farmer, M.J. M.L. Allen, E.R. Olson, J. Van Stappen, and T.R. Van Deelen. 2022. Anthropogenic activity and structures have varying effects on the activity of carnivores in a protected area. Biodiversity and Conservation 31: 3163–3178.

86. Hubbard, T., M.V. Cove, A. Green, F. Iannarilli, M.L. Allen, S. Higdon, C. Nagy, J. Compton, D.J.R. Lafferty. 2022. Human presence drives bobcat interactions among the U.S. carnivore guild. Biodiversity and Conservation 31: 2607–2624.

85. Inagaki, A., M.L. Allen, T. Naganuma, and S. Koike. 2022. Vertebrate scavenging on sika deer carcass and its effects on ecological processes. In Sika deer: life history plasticity and management, K. Koichi, U. Hiroyuki, and I. Hayato, eds. Springer: Singapore. 624 p.

84. Inagaki, A., M.L. Allen, T, Maruyama, K. Yamazaki, K. Tochigi, T. Naganuma, and S. Koike. 2022. Detection and consumption of carrion by facultative scavengers highlights the importance of their ecosystem services. Scientific Reports 12: 16451.

83. Kays, R., M. Lasky, M.L. Allen, R. Dowler, M. Hawkins, A. Hope, B. Kohli, V. Mathis, B. McLean, L. Olson, C. Thompson, D. Thornton, J. Widness, M.V. Cove. 2022. What is a picture worth? Accurately identifying mammals from camera traps and citizen science. Journal of Mammalogy 2022: gyac021.

82. Kays, R., et al. 2022. SNAPSHOT USA 2020: A second coordinated national camera trap survey of the United States during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Ecology 103: e3775.

81. Osugi, S., S. Baek, T. Naganuma, K. Tochigi, M.L. Allen, and S. Koike. 2022. The effect of COVID-19 and decreasing human activity on the foraging behavior of urban carnivores. Ecology and Evolution 12: e9657.

80. Sehgal, J.J., D. Kumar, R.S. Kalsi, M.L. Allen, and R. Singh. 2022. Spatio-temporal overlap of leopard and prey species in the foothills of Shiwalik, Himalaya. European Journal of Wildlife Research 68: 18.

79. Allen, M.L., L.M. Elbroch, and H.U. Wittmer. 2021. Can’t bear the competition: energetic losses from kleptoparasitism by a dominant scavenger may alter foraging behaviors of an apex predator. Basic and Applied Ecology 51: 1–10.

78. Allen, M.L., M. Sibarini and M. Krofel. 2021. Predicting preferred prey of Sumatran tigers (Panthera tigris sumatrae) via spatiotemporal overlap. Oryx 55: 197–203.

77. Allen, M.L., H.U. Wittmer, A. Ingaki, K. Yamazaki, and S. Koike. 2021. Food caching by bears: a literature review and new observations for Asiatic and American black bears. Ursus 32: e10.

76. Allen, M.L., L.M. Elbroch, and H.U. Wittmer. 2021. Scavenging by fishers in relation to season and other scavengers. Ecological Research 36: 353–359.

75. Allen, M.L., A.C. Avrin, M.J. Farmer, L.S. Whipple, E.P. Alexander, A.M. Cervantes, and J.M. Bauder. 2021. Limitations of current knowledge about the ecology of grey foxes hamper conservation efforts. The Journal of Threatened Taxa 13: 19079-19092.

74. Avrin, A.C., C. Pekins, J. Sperry, and M.L. Allen. 2021. Evaluating the efficacy and decay of lures for improving detections of carnivores with camera traps. Ecosphere 12: e03710.

73. Avrin, A.C., C. Pekins, J. Sperry, P. Wolff, and M.L. Allen. 2021. Efficacy of attractants for detecting eastern spotted skunks: an experimental approach. Wildlife Biology 2021: wlb.00880.

72. Avrin, A.C., C. Pekins, and M.L. Allen. 2021. Eastern spotted skunk Spilogale putorius Linnaeus, 1758 (Mammalia: Carnivora: Mephitidae) mating behavior documented via camera trap. Journal of Threatened Taxa 13: 18660–18662.

71. Baek, S., T. Iwasaki, K. Yamazaki, T. Naganuma, A. Inagaki, K. Tochigi, M.L. Allen, C. Kozakai, and S. Koike. 2021. Factors affecting predenning activity in Asian black bears. Mammal Study 46: 341–346.

70. Bauder, J., N.M. Roberts, D. Ruid, B. Kohn, and M.L. Allen. 2021. Effects of translocation on survival of nuisance bears. Animal Conservation 24: 820–831.

69. Bauder, J.M., M.L. Allen, T.J. Benson, C. Miller, and K. Stodola. 2021. An approach for using multiple indices for monitoring long-term trends of mesopredators at broad spatial scales. Biodiversity and Conservation 30: 3529–3547.

68. Bauder, J.M., A.M. Cervantes, A.C. Avrin, L.S. Whipple, M.J. Farmer, C. Miller, T.J. Benson, K. Stodola, and M.L. Allen. 2021. Mismatched spatial scales limit the utility of citizen science data for estimating wildlife-habitat relationships. Ecological Research 36:87–96.

67. Cove, M.V., et al. 2021. SNAPSHOT USA 2019: the first coordinated national camera trap survey of the United States. Ecology 102: e03353.

66. Drake, D., S. Dubay, and M.L. Allen. 2021. Evaluating human-coyote encounters in an urban landscape using citizen science. Journal of Urban Ecology 7: juaa032.

65. Farmer, M.J. M.L. Allen, E.R. Olson, J. Van Stappen, and T.R. Van Deelen. 2021. Agonistic interactions and island biogeography as drivers of carnivore spatiotemporal activity at multiple scales in a temperate archipelago. Canadian Journal of Zoology 99: 309–317.

64. Jackson, K., C.C. Wilmers, H.U. Wittmer, and M.L. Allen. 2021. First documentation of scent marking behaviors in striped skunks (Mephitis mephitis). Mammal Research 66: 399–404.

63. Krofel, M., D. Juznic, and M.L. Allen. 2021. Scavenging and carcass caching behaviour by European wildcat, Felis silvestris. Ecological Research 36: 556–561.

62. Sebastián-González, E., Z. Morales-Reyes, F. Botella, L. Naves-Alegre, J.M. Pérez-García, P. Mateo-Tomás, P.P. Olea, M. Moleón, J.M. Barbosa, F. Hiraldo, E. Arrondo, J.A. Donázar, A. Cortés-Avizanda, N. Selva, S.A. Lambertucci, A. Bhattacharjee, A.L. Brewer, E. Abernethy, K. Turner, J.C. Beasley, T.L. DeVault, H.C. Gerke, O.E. Rhodes Jr, A. Ordiz, C. Wikenros, B. Zimmermann, P. Wabakken, C.C. Wilmers, J.A. Smith, C.J. Kendall, D. Ogada, E. Frehner, M.L. Allen, H.U. Wittmer, J.R.A. Butler, J.T. du Toit, A. Margalida, P. Oliva-Vidal, D. Wilson, K. Jerina, M. Krofel, R. Kostecke, R. Inger, E. Per, Y. Ayhan, M. Sanci, N. Ozturk, A. Inagaki, S. Koike, A. Samson, P.L. Perrig, E. Spencer, T.M. Newsome, M. Heurich, J.D. Anadon, E.R. Buechley, C. Gutierrez-Canovas, L.M. Elbroch, and J.A. Sánchez-Zapata. 2021. Functional traits driving species role in the structure of terrestrial vertebrate scavenger networks. Ecology.

61. Suraci, J.P., K.M. Gaynor, M.L. Allen, P. Alexander, J.S. Brashares, S. Cendejas-Zarelli, K. Crooks, L.M. Elbroch, T. Forester, A.M. Green, J. Haight, N. Harris, M. Hebblewhite, F. Isbell, B. Johnston, R. Kays, P.E. Lendrum, J. Lewis, A. McInturff, W. McShea, T.W. Murphy, M. Palmer, A. Parsons, M.A. Parsons, Mary E. Pendergast, C. Pekins, L. Prugh, K.A. Sager-Fradkin, S. Schuttler, C.H. Sekercioglu, B. Shepherd, L. Whipple, J. Whittington, G. Wittemyer, and C.C. Wilmers. 2021. Disturbance type and species life history predict mammal responses to humans. Global Change Biology 27: 3718–3731.

60. Wallace, C.F., J. M. Golla, and M.L. Allen. 2021. Direct observations of a wolverine scavenging at an active gray wolf kill. Northwestern Naturalist 102: 157–160.

59. Allen, M.L., S. Wang, L. Olson, Q. Li, and M. Krofel. 2020. Counting cats for conservation: seasonal estimates of leopard density and drivers of distribution in the Serengeti. Biodiversity and Conservation 29: 3591–3608.

58. Allen, M.L., N.M. Roberts, and J.M. Bauder. 2020. Relationships of catch-per-unit-effort metrics with abundance vary depending on sampling method and population trajectory. PLoS One 15: e0233444.

57. Allen, M.L., M. Sibarini, L. Utoyo, and M. Krofel. 2020. Terrestrial mammal community richness and temporal overlap between tigers and other carnivores in Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park, Sumatra. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 43.1: 97–107.

56. Allen, M.L., A. Inagaki, and M.W. Ward. 2020. Cannibalism in raptors: a review. Journal of Raptor Research 54: 424–430.

55. Bauder, J., N.M. Roberts, D. Ruid, B. Kohn, and M.L. Allen. 2020. Nuisance black bear translocations across four decades indicates increased effectiveness by translocation distance and landscape context. Wildlife Research 47: 426–435.

54. Bauder, J.M., K. Stodola, T.J. Benson, C. Miller, and M.L. Allen. 2020. Raccoon pelt price and trapper harvest relationships are temporally inconsistent. Journal of Wildlife Management 1601–1610.

53. Bauder, J.M., M.L. Allen, T.J. Benson, C. Miller, A. Ahlers, and K. Stodola. 2020. Identifying and controlling for variation in canid trapper harvest data. Journal of Wildlife Management 84: 1234–1245.

52. Inagaki, A., M.L. Allen, T, Maruyama, K. Yamazaki, K. Tochigi, T. Naganuma, and K. Shinsuke. 2020. Vertebrate scavenger guild composition and utilization of carrion in an East Asian temperate forest. Ecology and Evolution DOI: 10.1002/ece3.5976.

51. Nickel, B. A., J. Suraci, M.L. Allen, and C.C. Wilmers. 2020. Human presence and human footprint have non-equivalent effects on wildlife spatiotemporal habitat use. Biological Conservation 241: 108383.

50. Sebastián-González, et al. 2020. Network structure of vertebrate scavenger assemblages is driven by ecosystem productivity and human impact at a global scale. Ecography: 43: 1143–1155.

49. Yovovich, V., M.L. Allen, L. Macauley and C.C. Wilmers. 2020. Using spatial characteristics of apex carnivore reproductive behaviors to inform conservation planning. Biodiversity and Conservation 29: 2589-2603.

48. Olson, L.O., T.R. Van Deelen, J.D.J. Clare, and M.L. Allen. 2020. Proximity to established populations explains moose (Alces alces) occupancy in northern Wisconsin. American Midland Naturalist 183: 24–37.

47. Allen, M.L., R.E. Harris, L. Olson, E. Olson, J. Van Stappen, T.R. Van Deelen. 2019. Resource limitations and competitive interactions affect carnivore community composition at different ecological scales in a temperate island system. Mammalia 83: 552–561.

46. Allen, M.L., M.P. Ward, D. Južnič, and M. Krofel. 2019. Scavenging by owls: a global review and new observations from Europe and North America. Journal of Raptor Research 53: 410–418.

45. Allen, M.L., N.M. Roberts, M.J. Morales, and T.R. Van Deelen. 2019. Decreasing available bobcat tags appear to have increased success, interest, and participation among hunters. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 24: 349-362.

44. Allen, M.L., C. Norcross, and P. Perrig. 2019.Puma (Puma concolor) predation on novel pinniped prey. Northwestern Naturalist 100: 209–211.

43. Allen, M.L., M.C. Sibarani, and L. Utoyo. 2019. First record of a wild hypopigmented oriental small-clawed otter (Amblonyx cinereus). Ecotropica  21: 201904.

42. Allen, M.L., and S.M. Crimmins. 2019. Sea otters from the northern and southern populations may find each other in Humboldt County, California. IUCN Otter Specialist Group Bulletin 36: 88–92.

41. Allen, M.L., L. Hocevar, and M. Krofel. 2019. Resource Holding Potential. In: Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior, eds: J. Vonk and T.K. Shackleford. Springer, New York.

40. Mueller, M.M., D. Drake, and M.L. Allen. 2019. Using citizen science to inform urban canid management in Madison, Wisconsin. Landscape and Urban Planning 189: 362-371.

39. Cristescu, B. S. Bose, L.M. Elbroch, M.L. Allen, and H.U. Wittmer. 2019. Habitat selection when killing primary versus alternative prey species supports prey specialisation in an apex predator. Journal of Zoology 309:259-268.

38. Farmer, M.J. and M.L. Allen. 2019. Persistence in the face of change: effects of human recreation on coyote (Canis latrans) habitat use in an altered ecosystem. Urban Naturalist 29: 1–14.

37. Olson, L.O. and M.L. Allen. 2019. A leucistic fisher (Pekania pennanti) and the prevalence of leucism in wild carnivores. American Midland Naturalist 181: 133–138.

36. Sebastián-González, E., et al. 2019. Scavenging in the Anthropocene: human impact drives vertebrate scavenger species richness on a global scale. Global Change Biology 25: 30053017.

35. Allen, M.L., A.S. Norton, G. Stauffer, N.M. Roberts, Y. Luo, Q. Li, D. MacFarland, and T.R. Van Deelen. 2018. A Bayesian state-space model using age-at-harvest data for estimating the population of black bears (Ursus americanus) in Wisconsin. Scientific Reports 8: 12440.

34. Allen, M.L., B. Peterson, and M. Krofel. 2018. No respect for apex carnivores: Distribution and activity patterns of honey badgers in the Serengeti. Mammalian Biology 89: 90–94.

33. Allen, M.L., M.J. Morales, E.R. Olson, J. Van Stappen, and T.R. Van Deelen. 2018. Is there anybody out there? Occupancy of the carnivore guild in a remote temperate archipelago. Community Ecology 19: 272–280.

32. Allen, M.L., N.M. Roberts, and T.R. Van Deelen. 2018. Hunter selection for larger and older male bobcats affects annual harvest demography. Royal Society Open Science 5: 180668.

31. Allen, M.L., B. Wojcik, B.E. Evans, E.E. Iehl, R.E. Harris, M.E. Wheeler, B.E. Peterson, R.L. Dohm, M.A. Mueller, L. Olson, B. Ederer, M. Stewart, S. Crimmins, K. Pemble, E. Olson, J. Van Stappen, T.R. Van Deelen. 2018. Detection of endangered American martens (Martes americana) in Apostle Islands National Lakeshore, Wisconsin. American Midland Naturalist 179: 294–298.

30. Mueller, M.M., D. Drake, and M.L. Allen. 2018. Coexistence of coyotes (Canis latrans) and red foxes (Vulpes Vulpes) in an urban landscape. PLoS One 13: e0190971.

29. Allen, M.L., L. Hocevar, and M. Krofel. 2017. Where to leave a message? The selection and adaptive significance of scent-marking sites for Eurasian lynx. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 71: 136.

28. Allen, M.L., M.S. Gunther and C.C. Wilmers. 2017. The scent of your enemy is my friend? The acquisition of large carnivore scent by a smaller carnivore. Journal of Ethology 35: 13–19.

27. Allen, M.L., B. Kohn, N.M. Roberts, S.M. Crimmins, and T.R. Van Deelen. 2017. Benefits and drawbacks of determining litter success for black bears (Ursus americanus) from cementum annuli techniques. Canadian Journal of Zoology 95: 991-995.

26. Krofel, M., L. Hocevar, and M.L. Allen. 2017. Does human infrastructure shape scent marking in a solitary felid? Mammalian Biology 87: 36-39.

25. Chiang, P.-J., and M.L. Allen. 2017. Literature review of our current knowledge of clouded leopards. International Journal of Avian and Wildlife Biology 2: 00032.

24. Allen, M.L., C.C. Wilmers, L.M. Elbroch, J.M. Golla, and H.U. Wittmer. 2016. The importance of motivation, weapons and foul odors in driving encounter competition in carnivores. Ecology 97: 1905–1912.

23. Allen, M.L., H.U. Wittmer, E. Setiawan, S. Jaffe, and A.J. Marshall. 2016. Scent marking in Sunda clouded leopards (Neofelis diardi): novel observations close a key gap in understanding felid communication behaviours. Scientific Reports 6: 35433.

22. Allen, M.L., V. Yovovich, and C.C. Wilmers. 2016. Evaluating the responses of a territorial solitary carnivore to potential mates and competitors. Scientific Reports 6: 27257.

21. Allen, M.L., Y. Wang, and C.C. Wilmers. 2016. Exploring the adaptive significance of five types of puma (Puma concolor) vocalizations. Canadian Field-Naturalist.

20. Allen, M.L., L.M. Elbroch, C.C. Wilmers, and H.U. Wittmer. 2015. The comparative effects of large carnivores on the acquisition of carrion by scavengers. American Naturalist 185: 822–833.

19. Allen, M.L., H.U. Wittmer, P. Houghtaling, J. Smith, L.M. Elbroch, and C.C. Wilmers. 2015. The role of scent marking in mate selection by female pumas (Puma concolor). PLoS One 10: e0139087.

18. Allen, M.L., C.F. Wallace, and C.C. Wilmers. 2015. Patterns in bobcat (Lynx rufus) scent marking and communication behaviors. Journal of Ethology 33: 9–14.

17. Allen, M.L., L.M. Elbroch, D.S. Casady, and H.U. Wittmer. 2015. The feeding and spatial ecology of mountain lions (Puma concolor) in Mendocino National Forest, California. California Fish and Game Journal 101: 51–65.

16. Allen, M.L., B.E. Evans, and M.S. Gunther. 2015. A potential range expansion of the coastal fisher (Pekania pennanti) population in California. California Fish and Game 101: 280-285.

15. Wang, Y., M.L. Allen, and C.C. Wilmers. 2015. Mesopredator spatial and temporal responses to large predators and human development in the Santa Cruz Mountains of California. Biological Conservation 190: 23–33.

14. Elbroch, L.M., P. Lendrum, M.L. Allen, and H.U. Wittmer. 2015. Nowhere to hide: pumas, black bears, and competition refuges. Behavioral Ecology 26: 247–254.

13. Taylor, A.P., M.L. Allen, and M. Gunther. 2015. Marking behavior on rub trees by black bears during breeding season. Behaviour 152: 1097-1111.

12. Allen, M.L. 2014. The Ecology and Behaviour of Pumas (Puma concolor) in Northern California. Ph.D. Dissertation, Victoria University, Wellington.

11. Allen, M.L., L.M. Elbroch, C.C. Wilmers, and H.U. Wittmer. 2014. Trophic facilitation or limitation?Comparative effects of pumas and black bears on the scavenger community. PLoS One 9: e102257.

10. Allen, M.L., H.U. Wittmer, and C.C. Wilmers. 2014. Puma scrape and communication behaviors: understanding functional use and variation by sex and age. Behaviour 151: 819–840.

9. Allen, M.L., L.M. Elbroch, D.S. Casady, and H.U. Wittmer. 2014. Seasonal variation in the feeding ecology of pumas (Puma concolor) in northern California. Canadian Journal of Zoology 92: 397–403.

8. Elbroch, L.M., M.L. Allen, B.H. Lowery, and H.U. Wittmer. 2014. The difference between killing and eating: ecological shortcomings of puma energetic models. Ecosphere 5: article 53.

7. Allen, M.L., L.M. Elbroch, and H.U. Wittmer. 2013. Encounter competition between a Cougar, Puma concolor, and a Western Spotted Skunk, Spilogale gracilis. Canadian Field-Naturalist 127: 64–66.

6. Allen, M.L., and A.P. Taylor. 2013. First record of scavenging in a western screech owl (Megascops kennicottii). Wilson Journal of Ornithology 125: 417–419.

5. Wilmers, C.C., Y. Wang, B. Nickel, P. Houghtaling, Y. Shakeri, M.L. Allen, J. Kermish-Wells, V. Yovovich, and T. Williams. 2013. Scale dependent behavioral responses to human development by a large predator, the puma. PLoS One 8: e60590.

4. Casady, D.S., and M.L. Allen. 2013. Handling adjustments to reduce chemical capture–related mortality in black-tailed deer. California Fish and Game 99: 104–109.

3. Elbroch, L.M., and M.L. Allen. 2013. Prey indices and behaviors at a gray fox den in San Mateo County, California. Western North American Naturalist 73: 240–243.

2. Allen, M.L. 2013. Scavenging of a striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis) by a ringtail (Bassariscus astutus) in northern California. Northwestern Naturalist 94: 79–81.

1. Allen, M.L., and D.S. Casady. 2012. Recent observations of porcupines in El Dorado County, California. California Fish and Game 98: 175–177.